/* TODO: Write an “About” page. */
Hello ! 👋
I'm Edouard, the one-person team behind Catana!
I'm originally from France but currently live in the beautiful city of Krakow in Poland. I have been creating websites and developer tools for more than 10 years and have worked at various companies, with Shopify being the most recent one before embarking on my own journey.
As with any other software developer, I try to find solutions to problems and have lately focused my attention on TODO comments. These annotations have been around in the software industry for a long time, but surprisingly, the lack of tooling to support them is, I believe, the reason an endless debate arises each time their usage is mentioned — whether they should be banned from a project.
I strongly believe banning TODOs from your codebase is not the answer. TODOs are generally not specific enough to justify opening a ticket in an issue tracker, and preventing your team from using them may lead to taking mental notes instead, which is a recipe for catastrophe. At the same time, letting TODOs grow out of control can lead to technical debt and slow down the development of your project.
I'm developing Catana in an effort to provide a good tool to the programming
community and solve the inherent problems associated with TODOs:
difficult to remember, hard to find and painful to manage.
Let's build!
— Edouard

This is me !